დავალებების ნიმუშები

ქვეყნის დასახელება
დროშა (ჩასვით სურათი)
მოსახლეობა (საერთო რაოდენობა)
სატელეფონო კოდი

69,700 კმ




ჩვენ და ჩვენი მეზობლები

სავარჯიშო 1.  მოიძიეთ ვიკიპედიაზე ინფორმაცია საქართველოს მეზობელ სახელმწიფოებზე და შეავსეთ შემდეგი ცხრილი

სავარჯიშო 2. დახაზეთ ქვემოთ მოცემული ცხრილი და შეავსეთ

ავტორის დასახელება
ნაწარმოების დასახელება

ილია ჭავჭავაძე

კონსტანტინე გამსახურდია


1.      ჩამონათვალი,  გადააკოპირეთ 4-ჯერ
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Outlook

2.    მოახდინეთ ჩამონათვალი აბზაცების გასწორება და  მარკირება( ნუმერაცია) ნიმუშის მიხედვით:

Ø    Microsoft Word
Ø    Microsoft Excel
Ø    Microsoft Power Point
Ø    Microsoft Outlook

                                                         I.          Microsoft Word
                                                       II.          Microsoft Excel
                                                    III.          Microsoft Power Point
                                                    IV.          Microsoft Outlook

ü  Microsoft Word
ü  Microsoft Excel
ü  Microsoft Power Point
ü  Microsoft Outlook

1))) Microsoft Word
2))) Microsoft Excel
3))) Microsoft Power Point
4))) Microsoft Outlook

­  Microsoft Word
­  Microsoft Excel
­  Microsoft Power Point
­  Microsoft Outlook

3.    აბზაცები ჩარჩოებში:

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Outlook


what is a computer?

A computer is electronic machine that enables a user to input, manipulate, store, and output information.

Computer includes:

·         Hardware;
·         Software.

Hardware includes:

·         system units;
·         monitor;
·         keyboard;
·         Mouse;
·         printer.
System software and Application Software.

It is two kineds of software: System Software and Application Software

Types of Popular Application Software

·         word Processing Software;
·         Spreadsheet Software;
·         database Management System Software;
·         Desktop Publishing Software;
·         Graphics software;
·         Communications software.


Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia

Countries: Countries in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia,
     including the former GDR.

Description: Finnancial support for collaborative projects in the study of Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia.

Objective: To support collaborative, creative formats to develop American academic and policy specialists and advance public, cultural, and historic knowledge on the central and East European and Eurasian regions.

Limitations or Focus:
Ø  Special Projects are designed to support collaborative research and related activities in the form of (but not limited to) conferences, seminars, workshops, working  visits, and roundtable meetings.
Ø  Project organizers will be responsible for all aspects of project administration as well as detailed narrative and financial reporting to IREX.
Ø  Proposals must be submitted in English.
Ø  Normally, IREX-funded project activity may not begin prior to June 1, 1998.

IREX Special projects support cannot be used for:
ü  Individual research
ü  Projects in the natural sciences
ü  Subsidies to publish journals, news-letters, or other periodicals
ü  Undergraduate research and training
ü  Equipment or other capital expenditures
ü  Institutional overhead
ü  Commercial endeavors
Grants Awarded in 1997:

ð  Eurasia: 14
ð  Central and Eastern Europe: 15

ð  In 1998, support is expected for approximately 20 projects overall.

the art gallery
Exhibition of  Paintings and Sculptures by Modern Georgian Artysts
Opening hours: 12.30 p.m.-7.30 p.m.
Until 16 May Entrance fee-4 lari Includes a brochure on modern art Adress:18, Rustaveli Ave.
Tbilisi ( 99 86 32

I.       the art gallery
II.    Exhibition of  Paintings and Sculptures by Modern Georgian Artysts
III. Opening hours: 12.30 p.m.-7.30 p.m.
IV. Until 16 May Entrance fee-4 lari Includes a brochure on modern art Adress: 18, Rustaveli Ave.
V.    Tbilisi ( 99 86 32

® the art gallery
® Exhibition of  Paintings and Sculptures by Modern Georgian Artysts
® Opening hours: 12.30 p.m.-7.30 p.m.
® Until 16 May Entrance fee-4 lari Includes a brochure on modern art Adress: 18, Rustaveli Ave.
® Tbilisi ( 99 86 32

the art gallery
Exhibition of  Paintings and Sculptures by
Modern Georgian Artysts

Opening hours: 12.30 p.m.-7.30 p.m.
Until 16 May

 Entrance fee-4 lari Includes a brochure on modern art
Adress: 18, Rustaveli Ave. Tbilisi
( 99 86 32

umaRlesi saswavleblis dasaxeleba
semestri               200           saswavlo weli


samuSao gegma

Sesrulebis vada
samuSaos Sedegi dasamuSavebeli dokumentebis dasaxeleba
pasuxismgebeli  Semsrulebeli

sagnis maswavlebeli

ganxilulia da mowonebulia kaTedris mier  (ix.oqmi #                      TariRi)

kaTedris gamge



­  2500 dasaxelebis produqti
­  saukeTeso momsaxureba.
­  xarisxis garantia!

fanjara evropaSi.


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